It's so hot. 真的好熱。 Please turn on the fan. 請把電扇打開。

Coming Soon.

Don't litter. 不要亂丟垃圾。 I won't. 我以後不會了。

Coming Soon.

Don't run in the hallway. 不要在走廊上奔跑。 I know. It's dangerous. 我知道了,這樣很危險。

Weekly Sentences 13

Don't run in the hallway. 不要在走廊上奔跑。
I know. It's dangerous. 我知道了,這樣很危險。

How's the weather today? 今天天氣如何? It's sunny. 今天晴天。

Weekly Sentences 12

How's the weather today? 今天天氣如何?
It's sunny. 今天晴天。

Are you finished? 你完成了嗎? No, not yet. 還沒。

Weekly Sentences 11

Are you finished? 你完成了嗎?
No, not yet. 還沒。

Where are you going? 你要去那裡? I'm going to the playground. 我正要去遊樂場。

Weekly Sentences 10

Where are you going? 你要去那裡?
I'm going to the playground. 我正要去遊樂場。

It's time to go home. 回家時間到了。 Get ready in the hallway. 在走廊上準備排隊。

Weekly Sentences 9

It's time to go home. 回家時間到了。
Get ready in the hallway. 在走廊上準備排隊。