It's time for lunch. 午餐時間到了。 Let's wash our hands.讓我們一起去洗手。

Weekly Sentences 8

It's time for lunch. 午餐時間到了。
Let's wash our hands.讓我們一起去洗手。

Thank you. 謝謝。 You're welcome. 不客氣。

Weekly Sentences 7

Thank you. 謝謝。
You're welcome. 不客氣。

Oops! I'm sorry. 噢! 對不起。 Never mind. 沒關係。

Weekly Sentences 6

Oops! I'm sorry. 噢! 對不起。
Never mind. 沒關係。

Turn off the lights. 把燈關上。 It's nap time. 午睡時間。

Weekly Sentences 5

Turn off the lights. 把燈關上。
It's nap time. 午睡時間。

Please shut the window. 請關上窗戶。 It's windy. 風很大。

Weekly Sentences 4

Please shut the window. 請關上窗戶。
It's windy. 風很大。

Can you help me? 你可以幫我嗎? Sure, no problem! 好的,沒問題!

Weekly Sentences 3

Can you help me? 你可以幫我嗎?
Sure, no problem! 好的,沒問題

Whose turn? 輪到誰? It's my turn. 輪到我。

Weekly Sentences 2

Whose turn? 輪到誰?
It's my turn. 輪到我。

Please line up. 請排隊 Sure. 是的

Weekly Sentences 1

Please line up. 請排隊
Sure. 是的